Tag: fitness

The Surgeon Without a License

In the art of Muay Thai you meet many people. People with different talents and goals. A few years ago I met a young man that was known as "The Surgeon". At that time I heard of him, but never had the opportunity to see…

El Salvaje

We all have a story. We all come from a place in our lives that motivates us to do better. What motivates you? What inspires you? I asked another fighter Jose "El Salvaje” Lugo what inspires him. I believe that getting to know the fighters…

Why Do I Train Jiu-Jitsu

I train jiu-jitsu because I decided I would not be a victim. One key component to training is to “Never give up”.  For me, jiu-jitsu is the one sport that teaches you what to do, when you are on the ground. As a woman, you…