Tag: faith

The Surgeon Without a License

In the art of Muay Thai you meet many people. People with different talents and goals. A few years ago I met a young man that was known as "The Surgeon". At that time I heard of him, but never had the opportunity to see…

There Is No Secret About Who He Is

We all start somewhere in life. Some have dreams and others have opportunities. Camron Lochinov has been training MMA for ten years. It all started with a broken mirror. Superstitious people say that if you break a mirror you have 7 years of bad luck. However,…

El Salvaje

We all have a story. We all come from a place in our lives that motivates us to do better. What motivates you? What inspires you? I asked another fighter Jose "El Salvaje” Lugo what inspires him. I believe that getting to know the fighters…

Why Do I Train Jiu-Jitsu

I train jiu-jitsu because I decided I would not be a victim. One key component to training is to “Never give up”.  For me, jiu-jitsu is the one sport that teaches you what to do, when you are on the ground. As a woman, you…

Cage Titans FC 26 Fight Card

Cage Titans 26 Fight Card Plymouth Memorial Hall Click on the link below for a quick view of the gallery: https://medinamma.com/f524809675 MAIN CARD Flyweight (Pro, 125) Johnny “Cupcakes” Campbell (11-6, SSSF) vs Tateki Matsuda (10-7, Sityodtong) Welterweight (170) Pro Title fight Sean Lally (4-1, GFMMA) vs Will Santiago (4-3, F5…