
MMA Retirement

One thing I will never understand is MMA retirement. I have seen so many MMA retirement announcements and then they are fighting again. At this point I don't believe when anyone retires. Conor McGregor retired and that lasted how long? I really don't get it. A…


Sponsorship is very important for fighters. It's not just for the professionals. it's also important for the amatures. When I sponsor someone, I am helping them achieve their goal. Just like I support them, I also must be what they are looking for to be represented…

The Surgeon Without a License

In the art of Muay Thai you meet many people. People with different talents and goals. A few years ago I met a young man that was known as "The Surgeon". At that time I heard of him, but never had the opportunity to see…

It’s more than entertainment

Many people look at fighting as if anyone can do it. People don't realize that it is more than that. When a person chooses to fight they have many factors that help them decide. Some fight in honor or memory of a lost friend or…

Secret Defense Uncovered

Audio We live in a time that everything is a national holiday or it's an awareness for something. April is known as Sexual Assault Awareness month. As you also know Sexual Assault does not discriminate on gender, race, or religion. I always thought that learning a martial…

Weight Class

Like I have stated before, I am not a fighter and I have no medical background. With that being said, one of my biggest concerns and fears has always been weight cut. It's important to know your body before deciding to put your body through so much…

There Is No Secret About Who He Is

We all start somewhere in life. Some have dreams and others have opportunities. Camron Lochinov has been training MMA for ten years. It all started with a broken mirror. Superstitious people say that if you break a mirror you have 7 years of bad luck. However,…